Find Care Based in Real Truth.

Our Services


We don’t adhere to the disease model of addiction. We believe the Bible’s explanation of habitual sin being a worship disorder of the heart. 

What we use to alleviate suffering or satisfy some hunger becomes an object to worship ourselves. Repeatedly turning to these tools for relief and comfort brings slavery. Identifying the underlying roots that feed self-worship, and guiding people into a dependence on Christ is a primary focus of our counsel. Putting off the old habits and resisting temptations is only as successful as putting on a new way of living.

Sexual Struggles

Caring for people affected by some sort of broken sexuality is an area of counseling we are especially drawn to. Sex is a divine gift with the potential for great sorrow and suffering when God’s protective boundaries are ignored or broken.

Dealing with the aftermath of sexual sin can be a particularly shameful and painful journey for many. Redemption, restoration, and freedom are real outcomes for those who follow Christ. Counseling typically includes longer-term discipleship through Bible studies and topical curriculum.

Marriage in Crisis

Marriage is often hard, and sometimes it seems impossible. The relational intimacy of the marriage covenant is threatened by our natural inclination to selfishness.

The troubles of life can lead to conflict or isolation that erodes the companionship, friendship, and union that God created. Counseling is directed toward dealing biblically with offenses and looking below the surface issues to see the warfare of the heart. Communication, confession, forgiveness, marriage roles, and genuine love are common topics.  Rebuilding the foundation on what pleases God strengthens the entire marriage structure.

Dominating Emotions

Our ability to have emotions is God-given, and we are accountable for what we do with them. They indicate what is happening in our heart. 

Scripture is rich with wisdom about why feelings are aroused, and how we apply truth to avoid being overwhelmed and dominated by them. Often our emotions follow what we treasure, desire, believe, or trust in. Much of counseling is directed toward God’s sovereign goodness, his great pleasure in us, his trustworthiness, the power of our union with Christ, and walking out our life with the Holy Spirit’s power.

“It helped me to understand the purpose of the pain I go through during difficult times by reminding me of His goodness and sovereignty. It provided me hope.”

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